Livestock Risk Partners

“Don’t get sleepy in your risk management, if you have opportunity to cover a profit, take it!”———–Jim Mintert, Purdue University
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Weekly Swine Market Highlights for Week Ending December 27, 2024

Market Overview The week ending December 27, 2024, showed strength in the Ontario and U.S. hog markets despite seasonal fluctuations. Ontario’s base formula price closed at $221.16/cwt, a steady climb compared to the previous weeks, and significantly higher than the $156.72/cwt recorded during the same period last year. Meanwhile, U.S. federally inspected slaughter numbers dipped to 2,051,000 head, representing 92% of the previous year’s levels. Ontario Market Highlights Base Formula Price: $221.16/cwt, continuing an upward trend. Average Dressed Weight: 107.17 kg, holding steady with minimal fluctuation over recent weeks. Weaned Pig Value: $57.50, reflecting a small but consistent increase. Feeder Pig Value: $91.23, up from $89.99 the prior week. U.S. Market Highlights Early Weaned Pig Prices: Cash-based prices averaged $76.72, showing strong growth week-over-week. Feeder Pig Prices: Cash-based average was $88.19, holding steady. USDA Pork Carcass Cutout Value: Closed at $95.13/cwt