Livestock Risk Partners

“Don’t get sleepy in your risk management, if you have opportunity to cover a profit, take it!”———–Jim Mintert, Purdue University
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Water-infused feed enhances feedlot results

New research from the University of Saskatchewan could lead to reduced days on feed for cattle in feedlots. The secret may be as simple as adding water to the ration. Catherine Seidle, an animal science masters student, led the study and presented her findings May 15 at the Animal Nutrition Conference of Canada in Winnipeg. Seidle’s goal was to get more even nutrient distribution at the feed bunk. Cattle tend to sort through the combination of high grain and low forage they’re given in a typical feedlot finishing ration and pick out the most appetizing bites. Competition between cattle means some animals get more than their share of one or the other feed type. Water might fix the problem, Seidle figured. The hope was that adding moisture to the ration would bind feed ingredients and reduce sorting, with less expense or logistical hassle than other feed binders. She chose barley for her study. Feed barley kernel size varies due to differing growing conditions and agronomic practices