PRF is a risk management program to protect your operation from lack of rainfall. This program helps bring peace of mind and reassurance when making management decisions during periods of dry weather.
PRF insures against widespread loss of production of the insured crop in a designated area called a grid. Coverage is based on the experience of a grid rather than individual farms. Coverage under the Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (PRF) program is available for two crop types: Grazing and Haying. Losses are paid when the grid’s accumulated index, known as the final grid index, falls below the insured’s trigger grid index. Lack of precipitation is the only cause of loss covered by Rainfall Index (RI).
Customize your PRF policy to fit the needs of your operation.
At Livestock Risk Partners, we pride ourselves in helping operations effectively utilize PRF insurance to protect their operations investment.
Get in touch with us to find the best plan to fit your needs.