Livestock Risk Partners

“Don’t get sleepy in your risk management, if you have opportunity to cover a profit, take it!”———–Jim Mintert, Purdue University
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Manitoba Pork Calls on Ottawa to Cushion Agriculture From Impact of Canada-China Trade War

The General Manager of Manitoba Pork is calling on Ottawa to be prepared to provide assistance for Canadian farmers caught in the crossfire of a trade war between Canada and China. An article circulated through Manitoba community newspapers and posted to Manitoba Pork’s web site looks at international trade, the role of Canadian agriculture in the international market place and the level of priority being placed by government on securing access to overseas markets for Canadian agricultural products. Cam Dahl, the General Manager of Manitoba Pork, says farmers have good reason to be fearful that their trade interests will not be a priority as Ottawa deals with countries like China. Quote-Cam Dahl-Manitoba Pork: We’re seeing recently where recently Canada imposed tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles as well as steel and aluminum. There’s nothing wrong with trying to protect Canadian jobs against unfair competition but, almost immediately after, the Chinese government opened up an antidu