Livestock Risk Partners

“Don’t get sleepy in your risk management, if you have opportunity to cover a profit, take it!”———–Jim Mintert, Purdue University
Providing quality LRP, PRF & LGM Insurance Coverage!

Market Outlook

Beef/Cattle: Based on slaughter data through early February, the pace of cattle slaughter is faster than expected from last month. However, winter weather appears to have impeded performance of feedlot cattle as well as taken a toll on cow and bull weights.

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Native grasses: Factors For Successful Stand Establishment

native grass pastures can take up to four years to become fully established. Because they have been selected for better establish­ment and forage production characteristics, use known cultivars. Species and cultivar selection, site prepara­tion, seed quality, seed source, and seeding date must be considered to ensure the successful establishment of a native grass pasture.

Native grasses: Factors For Successful Stand Establishment Read More »

Listen: The goals of grazing management should improve pasture and benefit livestock

A grazing system is a planned schedule of pasture use and defines when and where livestock will graze during the season to accomplish a producer’s goals. Range management extension specialist for the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture Trevor Lennox says the system you use can have a significant impact on pasture health and productivity. Alice McFarlane

Listen: The goals of grazing management should improve pasture and benefit livestock Read More »