Livestock Risk Partners

“Don’t get sleepy in your risk management, if you have opportunity to cover a profit, take it!”———–Jim Mintert, Purdue University
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Beef producers try to corral issues damaging the sector

Beef producers face a drove of issues impacting the industry. Tyler Fulton, vice-president of the Canadian Cattle Association outlined the issues and some victories to the annual Saskatchewan Stock Growers Association convention in Moose Jaw. “We cannot underestimate the value of (international) trade on our industry,” he said. “Obviously the United States is a big

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Fly Control in Beef

As fly season is just beginning, an important question to ask yourself as a livestock producer is if your fly control methods efficiently worked last year? According to the University of Nebraska, a controlled fly population should have an economic injury level (EIL) of 200 flies per animal for horn flies and 5 flies per

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