Livestock Risk Partners

“Don’t get sleepy in your risk management, if you have opportunity to cover a profit, take it!”———–Jim Mintert, Purdue University
Providing quality LRP, PRF & LGM Insurance Coverage!

New Centre for Meat Innovation and Technology (CMIT) dedicated to advancing and strengthening the Canadian meat processing sector

A new Centre for Meat Innovation and Technology (CMIT) was officially launched today by Meat and Poultry Ontario to help Canadian processors collaborate, find and adopt new technology and innovation and make it easier for their employees to learn and advance their skills. “This centre will ultimately help both processors and meat and poultry producers,”

New Centre for Meat Innovation and Technology (CMIT) dedicated to advancing and strengthening the Canadian meat processing sector Read More »

Purchasing Low-Cost Opportunity Feeds, Feeding to Nutritional Requirements, Managing Feed Wastage Reduces Feed Costs

A swine nutritionist with Western Ag Supply says by purchasing low-cost opportunity feed ingredients, feeding according to nutritional requirements and managing feed wastage pork producers can reduce their feed costs and improve their profitability. “How to Save Money on Your Hog Operations” is the focus of the second webinar in the Saskatchewan Pork Development Board’s

Purchasing Low-Cost Opportunity Feeds, Feeding to Nutritional Requirements, Managing Feed Wastage Reduces Feed Costs Read More »

PIC’s Banks Baker on the role of genetics in a more sustainable pork industry

No matter your stance on climate change, greenhouse gas emissions or the role agriculture plays in the issue, one thing is certain. The clock is ticking for all of agriculture to build their own solution because consumers, industry stakeholders, corporations and governments are all lining up to do it for us. Banks Baker with the

PIC’s Banks Baker on the role of genetics in a more sustainable pork industry Read More »

Natural disease challenge model vital for improving pig health

Beginning in 2015 researchers from around North America, in collaboration with PigGen Canada and the Centre de développement du porc du Québec (CDPQ), established a natural disease challenge model (NDCM) at a typical wean-to-finish pig barn in Deschambault, Québec. To do this, they “seeded” the pigs with multiple diseases that are problematic in commercial swine

Natural disease challenge model vital for improving pig health Read More »