Livestock Risk Partners

“Don’t get sleepy in your risk management, if you have opportunity to cover a profit, take it!”———–Jim Mintert, Purdue University
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Profit Tracker: Hogs See Lowest Breakeven Since 2020 While Beef Breakeven Prices Jump Higher

Last week’s substantial drop in the breakeven feeding cost for feeder cattle placed on feed last week is significant to the market outlook, says John Nalivka, president of Sterling Marketing Inc. “High breakeven prices together with record beef prices pose a potential problem for the market. If consumers bulk, and so far they have not

Profit Tracker: Hogs See Lowest Breakeven Since 2020 While Beef Breakeven Prices Jump Higher Read More »

Announcing the Beef Researcher Mentorship Program Participants for 2024-25

Researchers are critical for the Canadian beef cattle industry. Engaging industry leaders with researchers who study cattle, beef, genetics, feed or forage production is mutually beneficial. These connections allow researchers to become better informed about industry needs and encourage the sharing of research findings with a practical, solution-based focus.   The Beef Cattle Research Council

Announcing the Beef Researcher Mentorship Program Participants for 2024-25 Read More »