Livestock Risk Partners

“Don’t get sleepy in your risk management, if you have opportunity to cover a profit, take it!”———–Jim Mintert, Purdue University
Providing quality LRP, PRF & LGM Insurance Coverage!

Livestock Risk Partners

FAO Supports Lao Farmers To Boost Cattle Trade To China

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), through its Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD), kicked off a two-week training course on animal quarantine management in Sing District, a border area between Lao People’s Democratic Republic and China. The training course aimed to accelerate safer cattle trade between the two countries

FAO Supports Lao Farmers To Boost Cattle Trade To China Read More »

The critical role of farm disinfection to curb global antibiotic use and AMR

While the livestock sector is on the right track, there is potential to further reduce the use and dependency of antibiotics. Disinfection is one of the most effective and easy interventions to achieve this. The use of antibiotics has decreased and is now lower in food-producing animals than in humans, according to the 2021 report

The critical role of farm disinfection to curb global antibiotic use and AMR Read More »