Livestock Risk Partners

“Don’t get sleepy in your risk management, if you have opportunity to cover a profit, take it!”———–Jim Mintert, Purdue University
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Keep a close eye on hog building temps

Too much heat in hog buildings can lead to stressed pigs – or even worse. As the dog days of August approach, producers need to be vigilant when it comes to keeping pigs cool. Making sure cooling systems work is key, says Joseph Zulovich, Extension ag engineer with the University of Missouri. He says with naturally ventilated buildings, things are in good shape when the wind is blowing, but on the hottest days those pigs are going to need some additional help. “My preference is to use a sprinkler to help cool pigs,” Zulovich says. “Get the pigs wet and let the air evaporate the moisture, which will cool them down. It works really well with the hot and humid weather we can get in the Midwest.” He recommends fans blow from west to east for maximum cooling efficiency. With a mechanically ventilated building, Zulovich says it’s important that the inside temperature be no more than 2 to 5 degrees higher than the outside temperature. “If it gets higher than that, something has gone wr