Livestock Risk Partners

“Don’t get sleepy in your risk management, if you have opportunity to cover a profit, take it!”———–Jim Mintert, Purdue University
Providing quality LRP, PRF & LGM Insurance Coverage!

Klassen: Canadian feeder market rationing demand

For the week ending Saturday, western Canadian feeder markets averaged $3-$6/cwt higher compared to seven days earlier. Weakness in the Canadian dollar along with strength in the deferred live cattle futures set a positive tone. Recent rains have enhanced yield potential for the Canadian barley crop, which also underpinned nearby cash values. Alberta packers were buying fed cattle around $238/cwt delivered. Feeding margins have improved over the past month and finishing operators are anxious to reload. Calves under 600 lbs. were well bid, with top-quality packages gaining $6-$8/cwt on weekly basis. It appears we’ll eventually see 500-lb. calves trade at $400/cwt. In my straw poll survey, cow-calf producers in Alberta need $2,000 for a 500-lb. steer calf in order to encourage expansion. In central Alberta, larger-frame medium-flesh steers on light grain ration with full health data weighing just under 1,000 lbs. charted course at $257 and similar quality 900-pounders silenced the crowd