Livestock Risk Partners

“Don’t get sleepy in your risk management, if you have opportunity to cover a profit, take it!”———–Jim Mintert, Purdue University
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Jennifer Daniels, 2023 Pork Producer of the Year

Meeting Jennifer Daniels for the first time, it’s her lucky pig earrings that initially stand out. “The earrings were gifts to me from a couple of girls who I call my grandchildren,” says Daniels, noting that the girls are actually no kin to her. “They knew how much I love pigs, and I am happy that the earrings are the first thing people see when they meet me.” But the earrings are not the most enduring thing people remember about the NC Pork Council’s 2023 Outstanding Pork Producer of the Year. It’s her infectious enthusiasm that stands out regarding all aspects of her life, including her outstanding contributions to the pork industry.